Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Google Sites!

This week, I made a mock teacher website using Google Sites.
     Google Site allows you to create modify your own site. It is fairly simple to use, and the layout is easy to read. It is great for uploading your own logo (as I did below!) and for managing multiple pages.
This is my logo that I created for my teacher site. I used a free CHALKBOARD background that I found here!
      In comparison to blogger, however, it is more difficult to use, and in my opinion, less "clean" looking. Unless you commit hours to using Google Sites, your website is not likely to end up being very organized or attractive. Still, there are benefits to google Sites that blogger doesn't have, such as creating multiple pages based on information. In blogger, pages are automatically organized by date (by month). This is fine, except when it comes to creating a layout for easy access, such as the mock teacher website that we created in class.
      If I were to create a blog when I become a teacher, I would definitely use Google Sites, though I prefer the user friendliness of blogger. I would use Google Sites because I could create the following pages, just as I did for class:
  • Course Information
    • Calendar
    • Course Rules
    • Materials
  • Personal Page
    • Biography
    • Clubs
    • Hobbies/Interests
    • Resume/Experiences
  • Web Resources

AND... Project correlates with NETS·T standard #3 because it communicates relevant information to parents using digital tools!

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