Thursday, October 17, 2013

Microsoft Movie Maker

This week, I created a "family & friends" themed movie using Microsoft Movie Maker's FREE download here! We used pictures to tell a story and had the option of including either words or narration to complete our picture story. Although I did not personally use the narration option (I opted to use words to tell my story), I actually preferred the narration option. I played around with this option, and ultimately chose not to use this option because it was more time consuming, created larger files, and a bit more complex to upload to the movie. However, I think that it was a much more personal option (especially if the movie was a gift for a student, friend, or family member).
It is user friendly and includes some really great features to enhance your videos.
This would be a great tool for teacher to use both in and out of the classroom, and it would even be great for teacher to create gifts for their students at the end of the school year (like a yearbook on DVD).
(Also, I posted my video to youtube with no converting errors, which is always convenient.)
Microsoft Movie Maker was really fun to work with, and I am glad I have had the chance to play around with it.
Try it out. It is a lot of fun!
AND... Project correlates with NETS·T standard #1 & 3 because it involves inspiring student creativity and demonstrates fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations!

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