Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Final Blog Post

During my time in IT 365, I have learned about a great many technology tools that I know that I will reuse in the future (when I am a teacher). I have learned about the appropriate goals of technology through the NETS standards for teachers, and I have learned how to incorporate those technology goals in the "mock" assignments that I have created during this class. Through the assignments that we have done in class, I have come to realize that there are so many free tools out there on the web, and many times, these tools make learning much more affective for both the students and the teacher.

My strongest point in this class has been the creation of the blog and website. I really enjoy reading blogs, and so I think that is why I have really liked learning how to create my own blog and teacher website. Also, I had had previous experience working with the creation of teacher sites before entering this class. (I had previously created a wiki page for another education class.) I believe that it is for those reasons that I have most excelled in the use of blogger.

On the other hand, working with assistive software, such as "Kidspiration" and "Ease of Access", has been one of my weakest points. I think these things were my weak points because not only had I never worked with this software during the creation process, but neither had I ever even seen the software being used before, much less used the software myself. Working with "Ease of Access" gave me the most trouble, but in the end, I was appreciative for it because I know that it is something that I will have to use again. I am glad that I will now have had experience using this software before entering a classroom.

                To improve my personal hindrances with working with “Ease of Access” and “Kidspiration”, I plan to work with these programs much more before I get my own classroom. I am also considering coming back to school (after I have graduated with my bachelor’s degree) to take more classes, possibly in areas that deal with special education. However, if I decide to go a different route, I know that accessibility features are something that can be incorporated in any classroom (including the general classroom). For students who are in the general classroom, software such as Kidspiration would be especially useful in both gifted and special needs students. Gifted students could use Kidspiration to become further engaged and to deepen their understanding of certain subjects, while for special needs students, Kidspiration might provide a link to help the student learn better from a website, game, or video. In the future, I know that no matter whether I teach in the general classroom or not, I will have plenty of practice using these skills to improve in those weak areas.
                In my own classroom, I plan to use technology to help students with different learning styles. The text for this class explains how teachers can apply for grants to purchase materials that help students to become more engaged in their work. For example, iPods are especially helpful for English Language Learners who can use these iPods to listen to podcasts or recordings (made by the teacher or other) to learn the English language. Lessons can be prerecorded by a translator so that less class time is being used in helping ELL to understand  simple directions.
-Tiffani Freeman

Assistive Technology Assignment

      This week, I created a power point of "print screen views" and compiled them in a presentation to represent the various options available for students with disabilities. Of all the assignments thus far, I am most appreciative of this one. I was not aware that such programs were available for FREE on your computer, and in the future, I know that I will be using these options on school computers for my students with disabilities that would normally inhibit them from using and learning from computers.
      To access these accessibility options, you simply have to access your "accessories" from your start menu. Then, you will see an option that is called "ease of access". (This option can also be searched using your help and support toolbar.) Once you have accessed the ease of access control center, the program will step you through options that may be available for particular disabilities. It will even give you a personal questionnaire to be filled out so that it can determine what options you made need for you. It is a truly incredible program.
      I would recommend teachers looking into how to use "ease of access" because it really does not even take much time to learn how to use it!

PLEASE, VISIT THE EASE OF ACCESS CENTER! I know it will greatly benefit students with disabilities.
AND... This project correlates with all NETS·T standards in some way. It facilitates student learning, adapts relevant eperiences to promot student learning, models digital-age work, promotes digial citizenship by addressing the needs of all learners, and exhibits leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology participation an use of technology skills!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Google Sites!

This week, I made a mock teacher website using Google Sites.
     Google Site allows you to create modify your own site. It is fairly simple to use, and the layout is easy to read. It is great for uploading your own logo (as I did below!) and for managing multiple pages.
This is my logo that I created for my teacher site. I used a free CHALKBOARD background that I found here!
      In comparison to blogger, however, it is more difficult to use, and in my opinion, less "clean" looking. Unless you commit hours to using Google Sites, your website is not likely to end up being very organized or attractive. Still, there are benefits to google Sites that blogger doesn't have, such as creating multiple pages based on information. In blogger, pages are automatically organized by date (by month). This is fine, except when it comes to creating a layout for easy access, such as the mock teacher website that we created in class.
      If I were to create a blog when I become a teacher, I would definitely use Google Sites, though I prefer the user friendliness of blogger. I would use Google Sites because I could create the following pages, just as I did for class:
  • Course Information
    • Calendar
    • Course Rules
    • Materials
  • Personal Page
    • Biography
    • Clubs
    • Hobbies/Interests
    • Resume/Experiences
  • Web Resources

AND... Project correlates with NETS·T standard #3 because it communicates relevant information to parents using digital tools!