Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Final Blog Post

During my time in IT 365, I have learned about a great many technology tools that I know that I will reuse in the future (when I am a teacher). I have learned about the appropriate goals of technology through the NETS standards for teachers, and I have learned how to incorporate those technology goals in the "mock" assignments that I have created during this class. Through the assignments that we have done in class, I have come to realize that there are so many free tools out there on the web, and many times, these tools make learning much more affective for both the students and the teacher.

My strongest point in this class has been the creation of the blog and website. I really enjoy reading blogs, and so I think that is why I have really liked learning how to create my own blog and teacher website. Also, I had had previous experience working with the creation of teacher sites before entering this class. (I had previously created a wiki page for another education class.) I believe that it is for those reasons that I have most excelled in the use of blogger.

On the other hand, working with assistive software, such as "Kidspiration" and "Ease of Access", has been one of my weakest points. I think these things were my weak points because not only had I never worked with this software during the creation process, but neither had I ever even seen the software being used before, much less used the software myself. Working with "Ease of Access" gave me the most trouble, but in the end, I was appreciative for it because I know that it is something that I will have to use again. I am glad that I will now have had experience using this software before entering a classroom.

                To improve my personal hindrances with working with “Ease of Access” and “Kidspiration”, I plan to work with these programs much more before I get my own classroom. I am also considering coming back to school (after I have graduated with my bachelor’s degree) to take more classes, possibly in areas that deal with special education. However, if I decide to go a different route, I know that accessibility features are something that can be incorporated in any classroom (including the general classroom). For students who are in the general classroom, software such as Kidspiration would be especially useful in both gifted and special needs students. Gifted students could use Kidspiration to become further engaged and to deepen their understanding of certain subjects, while for special needs students, Kidspiration might provide a link to help the student learn better from a website, game, or video. In the future, I know that no matter whether I teach in the general classroom or not, I will have plenty of practice using these skills to improve in those weak areas.
                In my own classroom, I plan to use technology to help students with different learning styles. The text for this class explains how teachers can apply for grants to purchase materials that help students to become more engaged in their work. For example, iPods are especially helpful for English Language Learners who can use these iPods to listen to podcasts or recordings (made by the teacher or other) to learn the English language. Lessons can be prerecorded by a translator so that less class time is being used in helping ELL to understand  simple directions.
-Tiffani Freeman

Assistive Technology Assignment

      This week, I created a power point of "print screen views" and compiled them in a presentation to represent the various options available for students with disabilities. Of all the assignments thus far, I am most appreciative of this one. I was not aware that such programs were available for FREE on your computer, and in the future, I know that I will be using these options on school computers for my students with disabilities that would normally inhibit them from using and learning from computers.
      To access these accessibility options, you simply have to access your "accessories" from your start menu. Then, you will see an option that is called "ease of access". (This option can also be searched using your help and support toolbar.) Once you have accessed the ease of access control center, the program will step you through options that may be available for particular disabilities. It will even give you a personal questionnaire to be filled out so that it can determine what options you made need for you. It is a truly incredible program.
      I would recommend teachers looking into how to use "ease of access" because it really does not even take much time to learn how to use it!

PLEASE, VISIT THE EASE OF ACCESS CENTER! I know it will greatly benefit students with disabilities.
AND... This project correlates with all NETS·T standards in some way. It facilitates student learning, adapts relevant eperiences to promot student learning, models digital-age work, promotes digial citizenship by addressing the needs of all learners, and exhibits leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology participation an use of technology skills!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Google Sites!

This week, I made a mock teacher website using Google Sites.
     Google Site allows you to create modify your own site. It is fairly simple to use, and the layout is easy to read. It is great for uploading your own logo (as I did below!) and for managing multiple pages.
This is my logo that I created for my teacher site. I used a free CHALKBOARD background that I found here!
      In comparison to blogger, however, it is more difficult to use, and in my opinion, less "clean" looking. Unless you commit hours to using Google Sites, your website is not likely to end up being very organized or attractive. Still, there are benefits to google Sites that blogger doesn't have, such as creating multiple pages based on information. In blogger, pages are automatically organized by date (by month). This is fine, except when it comes to creating a layout for easy access, such as the mock teacher website that we created in class.
      If I were to create a blog when I become a teacher, I would definitely use Google Sites, though I prefer the user friendliness of blogger. I would use Google Sites because I could create the following pages, just as I did for class:
  • Course Information
    • Calendar
    • Course Rules
    • Materials
  • Personal Page
    • Biography
    • Clubs
    • Hobbies/Interests
    • Resume/Experiences
  • Web Resources

AND... Project correlates with NETS·T standard #3 because it communicates relevant information to parents using digital tools!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Google Presentations

I recently used Google Docs (Google Presentations) for the first time. It is incredibly easy to use, and for the most part, it is comparable to Microsoft's PowerPoint software. Of course, there are some things that Microsoft has that Google Docs does not, but in the same way, there are benefits to using Google that Microsoft doesn't have.

Benefit #1: IT IS FREE! Microsoft Power Point can be an expense that many students cannot afford. Google Presentations comes free with your google account.

Benefit #2: Google Docs stores the PowerPoint to your account. Saving the document is not necessary. Your document will be there until you delete if from your account!

Benefit #3: It is super fast! Sometimes you can get bogged down in all the options and design features when using Microsoft's PowerPoint. The benefit of Google Docs is that it has great design feature, but it is less work to make the presentation presentable.

Benefit #4: The designs of Google Docs are really nice, clean layouts. I was able to create the example below in LESS THAN 30 MINUTES!

Benefit #5: Because Google is already a search engine, it is less of a hassle to incorporate images into the presentation.

BE SURE TO CHECK IT OUT Google Presentations HERE!

AND... Project correlates with NETS·T standard #3 because it models and facilities effective use of current and emerging digital tools to evaluate learning!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Microsoft Movie Maker

This week, I created a "family & friends" themed movie using Microsoft Movie Maker's FREE download here! We used pictures to tell a story and had the option of including either words or narration to complete our picture story. Although I did not personally use the narration option (I opted to use words to tell my story), I actually preferred the narration option. I played around with this option, and ultimately chose not to use this option because it was more time consuming, created larger files, and a bit more complex to upload to the movie. However, I think that it was a much more personal option (especially if the movie was a gift for a student, friend, or family member).
It is user friendly and includes some really great features to enhance your videos.
This would be a great tool for teacher to use both in and out of the classroom, and it would even be great for teacher to create gifts for their students at the end of the school year (like a yearbook on DVD).
(Also, I posted my video to youtube with no converting errors, which is always convenient.)
Microsoft Movie Maker was really fun to work with, and I am glad I have had the chance to play around with it.
Try it out. It is a lot of fun!
AND... Project correlates with NETS·T standard #1 & 3 because it involves inspiring student creativity and demonstrates fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Google Groups

Last week, I had the opportunity to work with a group on GOOGLE GROUPS.


Google Groups is similar to a discussion board, except it is all in one place. It is super easy to work on because you can access it from anywhere as long as you have a google account (FREE) and Internet capabilities.

Another really neat feature is that you can see what someone else in your group is adding/typing from your computer. This feature makes it simple to see your group's progress (as it is being made).

My group consisted of 4 members, and our project was to write a short story about anything that we wanted in a minimum of 150 words each. So, we created our group and designated a "story starter". We watched on our own computer screens as the story progressed, so that when it became out turn to add to the story, there was need to waste time reading the previous material, we had been WATCHING AS IT WAS WRITTEN!

Here is the story that we created below:
(Hope you like it!)

AND... Project correlates with NETS·T standard #3 because it models and facilities effective use of current and emerging digital tools to evaluate learning!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Web Tools for Teachers

      Now, I have always known that teachers use a lot of worksheets. Nearly anything you try to teach requires some sort of recording, even if the students work will be assessed through observation, a rubric must be in place. If one worksheet/rubric was printed for every activity in the classroom, it would take a ton of planning time from the teacher. Fortunately, there are some major time savers out there.
      I never realized that there are so many web tools out there for teachers, and when it comes to modeling digital age work & learning (standard #3), using these tools can definitely fall under the NETS standards for teachers. This week, I used the following websites to create a rubric, a quiz, a worksheet, and a puzzle for students:

Rubric: http://rubistar.4teachers.org
 Quiz: www.classmarker.com
 Worksheet: www.abcteach.com
 Puzzle: http://puzzlemaker.school.discover.com

      In less than two hours I was able to put together a few lessons worth of work. These programs are really great time savers, and they cover nearly every subject for any grade! Plus, it is completely FREE to set up an account!

Here is my rubric:

Here is my Quiz:

Here is my Worksheet:

Here is my Worksheet:

These are great teacher tools!
AND... Project correlates with NETS·T standard #2 & 3 because incorporates the use of digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity, and it models and facilities effective use of current and emerging digital tools to evaluate learning!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Plagiarism Prevention Software

     For those of you who are not familiar with the Turnitin program, it is a 24/7 plagiarism detection site that is used to ensure that a students' submitted essay is their ORIGINAL work. It allows students to see their "unoriginal" pieces of work, revise their essay, and resubmit it until they are satisfied that their work is as original as possible.
Turnitin works by using percentages. It matches the student's submitted work to the Turnitin database and creates a percentage of the amount of unoriginal/plagiarized work compared to the whole work.
           The Turnitin database claims to be one of the largest online detections sites with more than 24,000,000,000 web pages, 300,000,000 student papers, and millions more articles. It also allows students to review each other's work, and it provides 5 different types of feedback, including:
  1. Originality Check
  2. QuickMark Sets
  3. Voice Comments
  4. Rubrics
  5. General Comments
        I have used Turnitin several times, and it has always been helpful. It ensures that you do not plagiarize (even by accident). Of course, there are always exceptions that it does not catch, such as using direct quotations or citing. It will sometimes consider those things as plagiarism even though you may have correctly given credit to the true author.
All in all, it is a great program! Consider downloading it here!
Instructor Training on How to Create a Turnitin Account is below!
AND... Project correlates with NETS·T standard #3 & 4 because it models the use of emerging digital tools and advocates ethical use of digital information and technology!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Concept Mapping with Kidspiration

      I recently created a lesson about the solar system using a concept map. Traditionally, a concept map (the type that I created) is simply called a bubble/circle map because of its various branches of circle shaped topics. It is a simple, flat map that is used to help students learn. This way of organization is great for the classroom because it helps students to organize complex thoughts into smaller categories, but what if these concept maps could help students to organize and grow information even more? It can with Kidspiration.
     By using Kidspiration, a software program used for creating concept maps, I was able to create an interactive circle map! My interactive map included links to websites for kids and pictures for student to link with words (for better understanding). Kidspiration is a super user friendly program that allows you to incorporate visuals pertaining to your branches of topics. Through Kidspiration, anyone can include hyperlinks to videos and websites that are devoted to helping students learn about the solar system.
You can see a sample of my concept map below!
You can download a free, 30 day trial of the Kidspiration program HERE. Be sure to check it out!
AND... Project correlates with NETS·T standard #2 because it designs relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools to promote student creativity and learning!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS·T)


These standards were found here:
(BOLDED & ITALICISED words are my own comments written about individual standards.)
Effective teachers model and apply the NETS·S as they design, implement, and assess learning experiences to engage students and improve learning; enrich professional practice; and provide positive models for students, colleagues, and the community. All teachers should meet the following standards and performance indicators.

1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.

            a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness

            b. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources

            c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes

            d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments

Technology is particularly helpful in this aspect. You are able to show students things that you could never describe with words only. For example, world maps in the classroom is not as effective in inspiring students as technology can be in organizing and presenting “the world”.

2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS·S.

            a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and   resources to promote student learning and creativity

            b. Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue   their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress

            c. Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources

            d. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching

This is the fun part of technology for students. They are allowed to pursue their own interests/curiosities through education. Students learn more about themselves as well as learning to work with technology.

3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning

Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.

            a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations

            b. Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation

            c. Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital age media and formats

            d. Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning

At this point, I think the students are learning that technology can and most likely will be used in the classroom every day. I think students are able to experience its benefits through power points, the web, concept maps,…etc.

4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices.

            a. Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources

            b. Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources

            c. Promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information

            d. Develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital age communication and collaboration tools

Here, students learn how technology can be unethical and dangerous, but at the same time, they are seeing how it is relevant and necessary in our digital age culture. Communication, banking, and so much more of our lives are now centered around technology.
5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.

            a. Participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of   technology to improve student learning

            b. Exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others

            c. Evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning

            d. Contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community

This is especially prevalent now with the use of ebooks, smart boards, screen projections, …etc.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Introducing Me

Hello. My name is Tiffani Freeman. I was born and raised on the gulf coast, and I recently graduated with my associate’s degree from the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College. I am excited to be in my first semester of the teacher program, and I am very much looking forward to one day having my own classroom. Though, I plan to start off teaching in elementary grades, I am currently working on getting an endorsement in math so that I might ultimately teach upper middle school or high school mathematics.
Over the years, I have learned to be more efficient in working with computer technology. I have taken only two computer courses throughout my high school and college education thus far, but I have learned to do many things involving a computer that was not taught to me in class, including creating a wiki space for teachers, which is very similar to a blog. Creating this wiki space showed me how helpful technology can be in education. There are tons of resources on the web that can be used for the benefit of teachers and students alike, and when I am a teacher, I plan to include technology in my lessons and encourage my students to take advantage of its resources as well. I feel lucky to have gone through school with a generation of students where it was common to experience the benefit of a computer.